The Law of Attraction – The Secret Power of The Universe PDF

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, the term “law of attraction” is probably very familiar to you. It refers to the idea that like attracts like and that the universe is always reacting to what you are putting out there. Whether that is positive or negative. This is essentially what the best selling books such as Think and Grow Rich, The Power of Positive Thinking, You Can Heal Your Life and Abraham Hicks are all about.

Christy Whitman, a master-certified law of attraction coach, says the fundamental principle is that energy attracts similar frequency. For example, when you play a C chord on a piano, every other key will quiver in response because they are tuned to the same frequency. Similarly, when you are feeling negative, you are broadcasting out a vibration that will attract similar experiences or people to you.

Proponents of the laws of attraction believe that shifting your energetic vibration to a more positive state is one of the most important keys to manifesting change in your life. This is accomplished by focusing on gratitude, expecting good things to come to you and practicing positive affirmations. It also means removing negativity from your life by clearing out your thoughts and behaviors. This is based on the idea that nothing can truly exist in an empty space, so it is vital to clear out anything that isn’t serving you and make room for positivity.