Master of Deceit PDF Free Download

330 Pages · · 10.46 MB · 259 Downloads· Marc Aronson
Published By Candlewick
File Name: Master-of-Deceit-J-Edgar-Hoover-and-America-in-the-Age-of-Lies.pdf
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MASTER OF DECEIT is a riveting and informative book that tells how J. Edgar Hoover created, manipulated, and guarded the nation’s “truth.” Written with the vigor of a drama and the historical detail of fine history writing, it reveals how America was manipulated by Hoover and the FBI through lies and distortions.

Originally conceived as an FBI public relations piece, the book was a bestseller after its release in 1958, propelled by massive FBI promotional efforts and sales to ardent anti-communists who bought dozens or hundreds of copies to distribute to civic groups, churches, schools, and students. Its success is a case study of how the FBI used fear to manipulate the American people. The book describes day-to-day communist operations, outlines communist strategy and tactics, explains why people become communists, and details the tactics used by the Communist Party USA (USACP) in mass agitation, underground infiltration, espionage, and sabotage.