How to Write a Better Thesis Pdf

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Published By The MIT Press
File Name: 01-How-to-Write-a-Better-Thesis-Springer-International-Publishing-2014.pdf
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The first step in writing a better thesis is to figure out what you want to say about your topic.

For example, if you’re writing a social policy paper and your professor asks you to write about the amount of sugar Americans consume, you might find yourself wondering what the best way to address this problem is. Then, you might start thinking about what your conclusions are and what evidence you’ll need to support them.

But even if your assignment doesn’t require a thesis, you’ll still need to think about what you want to say.

A good thesis explains your position, which can help you control the content of your paper and ensure that it supports your point of view.

It also tells your readers what they’ll expect to find in your essay and suggests how you’ll organize your information.

The thesis statement should be the single most important sentence in your introduction.

Make sure your thesis is specific and clear, describing one to three points that you’ll argue in the body of your essay.

A good thesis will challenge readers’ preconceived ideas about a topic and encourage them to form their own opinion.

The best way to make a good thesis is to research the topic thoroughly and choose a position that’s based on solid factual evidence. Then, you’ll be able to support that position with logical and persuasive arguments.