The Law of Human Nature (PDF)

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Published By Robert Greene
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Despite the popular belief that people are becoming more honest and truthful, Greene points out that the current trend is actually a result of increased laziness and self-absorption. The truth is that the majority of people do not care about other people and only want to please themselves. This makes it all the more important to understand The law of human nature so that you can stand out from the crowd and attract people who truly value you.

Unlike the laws of physics, which can be observed by humans in their actions, moral laws are non-material and can only be understood in the mind. As such, they can only be derived from other moral laws. This means that the force that created them must have something like a mind, because only a mind can create laws that can only be understood in the mind. Furthermore, if these laws encourage us to strive for good over evil, they must also have preferences of their own, which further suggests that the creator has a conscious mind.

Lewis also points out that just as languages can be learned and understood by humans, so too can the moral code. In fact, every culture has a set of moral standards that members expect each other to follow, and even though these standards vary slightly between cultures, they are generally the same. For example, no culture ever praises murder or treats a person unfairly. Lewis concludes that these similarities demonstrate that our moral codes are universal, and as such, must have been created by someone.

A critic of dualism, called a monist, would argue that moral laws do not exist outside the mind and are instead a product of physical changes in the brain. They point to studies on morality in animals and other humans, as well as experiments on subjects who have had their minds affected by drugs or injury, as evidence of their claim. However, these critics fail to take into account that human morality is not merely a reaction to the environment, but rather an inherent quality of the human being.

As you can see, understanding the laws of human nature is key to success in business and personal life. The next time you meet a new client or partner, be sure to apply these tactics to get the best out of the interaction. And if you’re looking for more great tactics for success and seduction, be sure to check out Shortform, the world’s best book summaries and analyses. You can start your free trial now!